On Tuesday during the day, expect overcast skies with a high of 9°C. Winds will be from the northeast at 16 km/h. Humidity levels will be at 62%, and the UV index is 4 out of 11. Sunrise is at 6:48 am, and sunset is at 7:15 pm. As night falls on Tuesday, the weather will be cloudy with a low around 5°C. Winds will be light and variable from the northeast at 7 km/h. There’s a 23% chance of rain during the night. Tuesday, March 26: ☁️ Overcast, 9°C / 5°C, 4% chance of rain, Wind: NE 16 km/h Wednesday, March 27: PM Showers, 13°C / 8°C, 45% chance of rain, Wind: ESE 5 km/h Thursday, March 28: Rain,