Algeria Thunderstorm Radar

Algeria Weather Forecast

Thunderstorm Forecast for the Next Few Days

Check out the thunderstorm forecast for the coming days here. This overview shows today’s weather, with an image depicting the weather conditions (clouds, rain, sun, snow, thunderstorms, hail).


Weather Forecast for 3, 5, 7, and 10 Days

Today’s weather provides the most reliable forecast. The further out the forecast, the greater the chance of uncertainty. It’s not possible to precisely determine the weather 7 days in advance. Thunderstorms in particular can suddenly develop and escalate into severe and intense storms. The weather forecast is merely an indication of what the weather models predict. A prognosis is presented, based on all available data. Minimum and maximum temperatures are determined.

Live Thunderstorm Radar

The heavier the showers, the darker the radar color, ranging from light gray to burgundy red. Weather conditions can change rapidly during a thunderstorm. The radars on this website provide information on the location and intensity of the thunderstorms and the direction in which they are moving.

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Thunderstorm News

what to do during heavy thunderstorm

What to Do During a Heavy Thunderstorm

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Picture of Thunderstorm woman

Thunderstorm woman

Thunderstorm woman provides you with the daily weather updates, forecasts, and the likelihood of thunderstorms.

Weather Radars and map of Algeria Weather

Algeria Weather chance of thunderstorms and lightnings per month

Intense thunderstorms in Algeria, marked by vigorous wind gusts, substantial rainfall, and occasionally hail, are particularly noteworthy. Algeria’s distinctive climate is molded by its vast and varied topography, which encompasses extensive coastlines, mountain ranges, and the Sahara Desert, despite its position in the northern part of Africa. These elements contribute to a wide spectrum of weather patterns across the country.

The deployment of advanced radar technology is crucial in Algeria, as it offers essential alerts to residents and aids in reducing potential damage, thus enhancing public safety in its diverse and often expansive environments.

Deciphering Lightning and Technological Progress in Algeria

In Algeria, lightning is an awe-inspiring yet dangerous natural event. These electrical discharges are not only a spectacle to behold but also carry significant risks. Algeria’s varied landscape, which extends from the Mediterranean coast to the lofty Atlas Mountains and deep into the Sahara, adds to the unpredictability and force of lightning strikes. State-of-the-art radar and sensor networks are crucial in the country to anticipate, detect, and monitor lightning, safeguarding Algerians across the nation’s varied topographies.

Recent advancements in meteorological science have revolutionized the tracking and forecasting of thunderstorms in Algeria. The precision of storm radars, rainfall measurements, and temperature readings has seen considerable enhancements. These technological strides provide detailed perspectives on climatic patterns, vital for accurate weather predictions and the management of weather-related events. For residents and tourists in Algeria, staying informed and prepared is crucial, particularly in light of the country’s exposure to a range of meteorological conditions. Regular consultation of local weather radars for current information and exercising caution during extreme weather are of utmost importance.

Algeria Weather chance of thunderstorms and lightnings per month

Algeria, sprawling across the Maghreb region of North Africa, presents an expansive array of environments, from the sweeping Saharan dunes in the south to the fertile Mediterranean coast in the north and the Atlas Mountains. The country experiences a Mediterranean climate on the coast with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers, while the vast Sahara dominates the south with its arid conditions. The Algerian climate is characterized by regional variation due to its large size and diverse geography. Here’s a month-by-month breakdown of the typical weather patterns in Algeria and the occurrence of thunderstorms throughout the year.

January: The Cool of Algerian Winters

January in Algeria can be quite cool, particularly in the northern regions, with the coastal areas experiencing mild but sometimes rainy conditions. The Sahara remains dry, with vast temperature differences between day and night. Thunderstorms are rare this month.

February: The Persistent Cool with Signs of Change

February continues with cool weather, especially in the mountainous and coastal areas. The Sahara still faces cold nights, while days may begin to warm up. Thunderstorms are infrequent but may start appearing towards the end of the month.

March: The Stirrings of Spring

March marks the start of spring, with temperatures gradually rising. In the north, the increase in rainfall can lead to sporadic thunderstorms, while the Sahara starts to see a significant rise in daytime temperatures.

April: Spring in Full Swing

April brings full-blown spring to Algeria, with warmer weather and a higher likelihood of thunderstorms, especially in the northern regions. The Sahara’s temperatures continue to climb, but the nights can still be quite cool.

May: The Warm-Up Towards Summer

In May, temperatures continue to rise as Algeria moves towards summer. The northern part can experience occasional thunderstorms, while the Sahara becomes increasingly hot.

June: The Onset of Summer Heat

June heralds the beginning of summer, with temperatures in the coastal areas becoming hot, though still moderated by the Mediterranean. The interior and the Sahara desert see soaring temperatures, and thunderstorms are less common.

July: The Peak of Summer

July is the peak of the summer season, with high temperatures across the country. In the Sahara, the heat can be extreme. Thunderstorms are possible in the north, often after hot spells, but they are not a frequent occurrence.

August: The Continuation of Summer

August continues the summer trend, with persistently high temperatures. The north can have occasional thunderstorms, which may bring some relief from the heat, while the Sahara remains intensely hot and dry.

September: The Start of the Cooling Trend

September sees the beginning of the end of summer, with temperatures starting to decrease, especially in the evenings. The likelihood of thunderstorms increases slightly as the heat begins to abate

in the northern regions, signaling the coming of autumn.

October: The Arrival of Autumn

October brings the arrival of autumn, with a noticeable drop in temperatures and an increase in precipitation, including the chance of thunderstorms, particularly in the coastal and mountainous areas. The Sahara begins to cool slightly but remains dry.

November: The Deepening of Autumn

In November, the deepening of autumn is felt with further cooling temperatures. The northern parts of Algeria may experience the occasional thunderstorm, while the Sahara sees more temperate days and chilly nights.

December: The Onset of Winter

December marks the onset of winter. The coastal regions experience mild weather with some rainfall and possible thunderstorms, while the Sahara desert encounters cold nights with minimal precipitation.

Throughout the year, Algeria’s climate reflects the contrast between its Mediterranean coastline and the vast Saharan expanse, showing a range of weather patterns from the temperate and occasionally stormy north to the hot and arid south. The country’s diverse climate, alongside its rich cultural heritage and dramatic landscapes, offers a unique and dynamic environment.

Algeria: A Climate Shaped by the Sahara and Mediterranean Influences

Algeria, located in North Africa, is characterized by a climate that is as diverse as its landscapes. Spanning from the lush Mediterranean coast to the vast and arid Sahara Desert, the country’s climate ranges from Mediterranean in the north to desert in the south. The northern part enjoys mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers, while the vast desert regions experience extreme heat and aridity, with significant temperature fluctuations.

Geographical Influence and Landscape Diversity

Algeria’s northern regions are marked by the Tell Atlas and Saharan Atlas mountain ranges, which help to create varied microclimates along the coast and inland. These ranges can act as barriers, trapping moisture in the coastal areas, while the interior regions, protected from the sea’s influence, often remain dry and hot.

Precipitation and Weather Patterns

Precipitation in Algeria is highly variable. The coastal areas receive moderate to heavy rainfall during the winter months, which supports the rich Mediterranean agriculture of the region. Moving southward into the Atlas Mountains and beyond, rainfall becomes increasingly sparse, giving way to the hyper-arid conditions of the Sahara.

The Sahara Desert dominates much of Algeria’s landscape and is one of the hottest places on Earth. Rain is extremely rare, and temperatures during the day can be scorching, while at night they may plummet dramatically.

Seasonal Variations

Algeria’s seasons are marked by variations in temperature and precipitation. The coastal regions have a more temperate climate with seasonal changes that bring wet winters and dry summers. In contrast, the desert regions experience a more consistent dry climate, with the primary seasonal change being the shift in temperature.


Algeria’s climate reflects the country’s geographic diversity, from the Mediterranean Sea’s moderating effects to the intense heat of the Sahara. This climatic diversity affects every aspect of life in Algeria, from the types of crops grown to the design of buildings that accommodate the heat. Understanding Algeria’s climate is key to appreciating its rich cultural heritage and the adaptations that have allowed its people to thrive in such a challenging environment. The country’s weather patterns, marked by a stark contrast between the lush north and the arid south, add to the unique mosaic that defines Algeria.

severe thunderstorm warning