Angola Thunderstorm Radar

Angola Weather Forecast

Thunderstorm Forecast for the Next Few Days

Check out the thunderstorm forecast for the coming days here. This overview shows today’s weather, with an image depicting the weather conditions (clouds, rain, sun, snow, thunderstorms, hail).


Weather Forecast for 3, 5, 7, and 10 Days

Today’s weather provides the most reliable forecast. The further out the forecast, the greater the chance of uncertainty. It’s not possible to precisely determine the weather 7 days in advance. Thunderstorms in particular can suddenly develop and escalate into severe and intense storms. The weather forecast is merely an indication of what the weather models predict. A prognosis is presented, based on all available data. Minimum and maximum temperatures are determined.

Live Thunderstorm Radar

The heavier the showers, the darker the radar color, ranging from light gray to burgundy red. Weather conditions can change rapidly during a thunderstorm. The radars on this website provide information on the location and intensity of the thunderstorms and the direction in which they are moving.

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Thunderstorm News

what to do during heavy thunderstorm

What to Do During a Heavy Thunderstorm

Thunderstorms are a natural phenomenon that can range from mildly inconvenient to downright dangerous. When the skies darken and the air feels charged, it’s crucial to know how to react to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps

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Severe Thunderstorm Watch

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Severe Thunderstorm Warning: Understanding the Alert

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Storms and lightning: the power of the forces of nature

When the sky darkens and heavy clouds roll in, a violent storm is on the horizon. These dramatic weather phenomena, with lightning, thunder and storms, fascinate and frighten people at the same time. But how does a storm actually develop? And why is it so difficult for meteorologists to reliably

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Picture of Thunderstorm woman

Thunderstorm woman

Thunderstorm woman provides you with the daily weather updates, forecasts, and the likelihood of thunderstorms.

Weather Radars and map of Angola Weather

Angola Weather chance of thunderstorms and lightnings per month

Angola: A Climate of Diversity and Intensity

Angola, with its extensive landscapes that include coastlines, savannas, and highlands, experiences a range of climate conditions, including intense thunderstorms. These storms are characterized by strong wind gusts and heavy rainfall, which can sometimes be accompanied by hail. The country’s position along the western coast of Southern Africa contributes to its climatic diversity.

The implementation of advanced radar technology in Angola is crucial for providing early warnings to its inhabitants, especially considering the potential severity of weather events. This technology plays a vital role in enhancing public safety, particularly in Angola’s varied and often hard-to-reach terrains.

Understanding Lightning and Technological Advances in Angola

In Angola, lightning strikes present a natural yet hazardous spectacle. The phenomenon of lightning is intensified by the country’s varied topographical features, from the Atlantic coast through the vast expanses of the savanna to the elevated plateaus. To manage and mitigate the risks associated with lightning, sophisticated radar systems and sensor networks are utilized for their capability to forecast, detect, and monitor these events, ensuring the safety of people across different regions.

Meteorological advancements have significantly improved the monitoring and prediction of thunderstorms in Angola. Radars have become more accurate in detecting storms, measuring rainfall, and assessing temperature changes. These technological improvements are essential for understanding climatic patterns and ensuring effective weather forecasting. It is crucial for residents and visitors in Angola to stay informed with the latest weather updates and to exercise caution during periods of extreme weather, making regular checks of local weather radars a necessary habit for safety.

Angola’s chance of thunderstorms and lightnings per month

Angola, situated along the southwestern coast of Africa, features a landscape that varies from the arid coastal strip to its fertile central highlands and the lush rainforests of the north and northeast. The country typically experiences a subtropical climate, although it varies considerably across its regions. The coastal area has a mild, dry climate, while the interior highlands experience a cooler, wetter, and more temperate pattern. Angola’s weather patterns are influenced by the intertropical convergence zone, resulting in a distinct rainy and dry season. Here’s a detailed glimpse into the monthly weather tendencies in Angola and the potential for thunderstorm activity.

January: The Height of the Rainy Season

January is in the midst of Angola’s rainy season, especially in the central highlands and the north, where heavy rains and frequent thunderstorms are common. The coastal strip remains relatively dry and warm.

February: Persistent Rains and Thunderstorms

February continues the trend of heavy rainfall across much of Angola. Thunderstorms are particularly prevalent in the afternoon and evening, providing significant rainfall to the regions away from the coast.

March: The Waning of the Rainy Season

March sees the rainy season starting to wane, but thunderstorms and heavy rains still occur regularly, especially in the highlands and the northern forests.

April: The Transition to Dryer Conditions

April marks the transition towards drier conditions, though thunderstorms can still be frequent in the early part of the month. The latter half sees a noticeable reduction in rainfall, particularly in the south and along the coast.

May: The Onset of the Dry Season

May brings the onset of the dry season, with a sharp decrease in rainfall. Thunderstorms are rare, and the weather begins to dry out across the country, including the central highlands.

June: The Dry Season Underway

June is characterized by dry weather throughout Angola. Thunderstorms are extremely uncommon, and the skies are mostly clear.

July: The Peak of the Dry Season

July is the heart of the dry season, with almost no rainfall and thunderstorms being a rarity. This is consistent across Angola, from the coast to the interior.

August: Dry and Stable Climate

August continues the dry, stable climate with clear skies. Thunderstorms are not expected, and the arid conditions prevail.

September: The Dry Season Persists

September marks the continuation of the dry season. Thunderstorm activity remains absent, and the weather is generally sunny and warm.

October: The Anticipation of Rains

October sees a gradual increase in temperatures and the return of some cloud cover, indicating the upcoming rainy season. However, thunderstorms are still not common until the very end of the month.

November: The Beginning of the Rainy Season

In November, the rainy season begins to take hold, particularly in the central and northern regions, where thunderstorms start to become more frequent, bringing much-needed rain to these areas.

December: The Establishment of the Rainy Season

December is firmly within the rainy season, with regular thunderstorms and heavy rains, especially in the northern and central highlands. The coastal areas also begin to see more precipitation.

Throughout the year, Angola’s climate is a reflection of its diverse geography, exhibiting weather patterns that range from the semi-arid coastal areas to the more temperate and wet central highlands. The country’s climate, combined with its rich ecosystems and cultural diversity, offers a unique and vibrant atmosphere.

Angola: A Varied Climate Influenced by Latitude and Terrain

Angola, situated on the west coast of Southern Africa, has a climate that varies from coastal subtropical to inland semi-arid and highland temperate climates. Influenced by its broad latitudinal range and diverse topography, Angola’s climate is characterized by regional variations, from the humid coastal belt to the dry savannahs and the cool, elevated central plateau.

Geographical Influence and Landscape Diversity

Angola’s topography includes a narrow coastal plain, which ascends to a vast interior plateau and further to mountainous regions in the east. This varied landscape results in multiple climate zones. The coastal strip features a mild, subtropical climate with less temperature variation, while the interior experiences more extreme conditions, with hotter temperatures and less humidity.

Rainfall and Weather Patterns

Rainfall in Angola is largely influenced by the Intertropical Convergence Zone, leading to a distinct wet season from November to April in most of the country. However, the southern part of Angola, being closer to the Tropic of Capricorn, has a more arid climate with erratic rainfall.

Thunderstorms are common during the wet season, especially in the northern and central regions, which receive more precipitation compared to the arid south.

Thunderstorms and Seasonal Variations

In Angola, the wet season brings frequent thunderstorms, which are crucial for the agricultural sector. These storms are more intense and regular in the north and on the central plateau. Conversely, during the dry season, which runs from May to October, thunderstorm activity decreases, and the weather becomes drier, particularly in the southern regions.


Angola’s climate is a complex system influenced by its position relative to the equator and its varied topography. The country’s weather patterns, with a pronounced wet and dry season, reflect these geographic influences. The range of climates, from the humid coastal areas to the dry southern savannahs and temperate central highlands, affects the nation’s ecosystems and agriculture. Understanding Angola’s diverse climatic conditions is essential for sustainable development and environmental management in this part of Africa. The seasonal shifts and the regional differences in weather contribute to the rich biodiversity and cultural heritage of Angola.

severe thunderstorm warning